Title Sponsor
Regular price $ 50.00 Save $ -50.00
Your financial contribution helps support the journalism of the Montana Living film "Forests on Fire."
What you receive, in addition to supporting journalism in Montana:
Contributions of $50 to $100 will have their names displayed on the closing credits.
Contributions of $101 to $500 are listed in the closing credits of the film as "Supporting Sponsors."
Contributions over $500 are the Producing Sponsors of the film.
Underwriting Sponsors receive:
• A 5-second endorsement at the opening of the film
• They are listed in the closing credits as Underwriting Sponsors
• They receive their name and logo on the film's promotional materials and in our forestry seminars promotional materials.
• Their name and logo on our website, montanaliving.com, and in all press materials for the film.
Thank you for your support of enterprise journalism in Montana.
— David Reese, editor