Hunter doesn't let disability stop him
Born without hands
Ducks Unlimited’s newest online film, “Limitless,” features Gregg Silverberg, born without hands.
Despite his disability, Silverberg has become an expert shotgunner and waterfowl hunter. “You’re just amazed on what he can do in the blind,” friend Dan Wagner said. “He loads his gun, calls, shoots ... he can do everything I can do.”
“You wonder if he is an aberration, or if most people with disabilities are that way, and I think most of them probably are,” Brent Pearson, who has hunted with Silverberg for 40 years, said. “If they find their true love in doing something, they’re going to find a way to get it done. And you can’t ever put a limit to what they could do.” These friends are united in their love of waterfowling and their support of Ducks Unlimited. Silverberg is currently DU’s state chairman for Nebraska, after serving various volunteer roles in the organization for many years. DU Films explore the lives and stories of duck hunters across the country.
DU Films present the beauty of waterfowling in new and unexpected ways. At the heart of this series is a drive to conserve the habitats that make it all possible. The 2016 season of DU Films includes six films. DU will release one film per month this spring and summer, beginning in March.
DU Films and this story of the hunter with a disabilty are produced by Rock Road Creative and sponsored by Sitka Gear and Yeti.