Ski area wants to use wastewater for snowmaking
Spanish Peaks Resort wants to use treated effluent for snowmaking

The Montana Department of Environmental Quality is accepting a second round of comments on a proposed permit for using treated wastewater on ski area runs in Big Sky, Montana.
Spanish Peaks Mountain Club applied for a permit to discharge disinfected and treated wastewater to tributaries of the Middle Fork West Fork Gallatin River upon snowmelt. DEQ previously issued a draft permit and Environmental Assessment for the snowmaking project in May 2024 for public comment. The permit seeks to use wastewater to create snow on Spirit Mountain, Andesite Mountain and the Spanish Peaks base area near Big Sky
The newest drafts reflect changes made after DEQ reviewed information submitted during the 2024 public comment period.
If the discharge permit is finalized, it would allow Spanish Peaks to source treated wastewater from Big Sky County Water and Sewer District wastewater treatment facility for use in snowmaking on Spanish Peaks resort. The permit would authorize Spanish Peaks to discharge the resulting runoff from snowmelt to tributaries of the Middle Fork West Fork Gallatin River. The permit proposes limits on pollutants that can be in the treated wastewater and would require additional monitoring of the snowmelt and stream.
Snowmaking activities would add to natural snowpack and recharge of ground water in the area. The permit specifies snowmaking would occur between Nov. 1 and Jan. 15 each year, with a maximum of 76 days of snowmaking. Most snowmaking is anticipated to occur mid-November to mid-December.
DEQ is accepting public comments on MPDES permit MT0032174 and the associated draft EA from Feb. 3 - March 6. Visit to view the documents and learn how to submit a comment.
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