Seminars examine Montana economy
What does the Montana economy have in store?
Inflation, recession, volatile agricultural markets and a look at local and statewide economic issues are the focus of the 2023 Economic Briefing coming to eastern Montana in March.
The University of Montana Bureau of Business and Economic Research and the Montana State University Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics bring the Montana economic seminar to Sidney, Montana, in the morning and Miles City, Montana, March 14. The Sidney briefing will include breakfast, and the Miles City briefing will include lunch.
While Montana experienced economic growth in 2022, the rapid rise of interest rates, inflation and the falling of global commodity prices are creating economic challenges, according to Patrick Barkey, the BBER director.
Barkey will give a local area and statewide economic outlook in both cities.
“This past year has been quite a ride, but the roller coaster of economic growth set off by the pandemic is now largely over in Montana’s cities and regions,” he said.
The Economic Briefing also will include a look at agricultural policy issues and forecasts.
“Montana farmers and ranchers have experienced great uncertainty and volatile agricultural markets in recent years,” George Haynes, professor and extension specialist in the Montana State University Department of Agriculturel, said. “The Russian-Ukraine conflict and relatively dry conditions this year – following severe drought conditions in 2021 – took a toll on Montana agriculture.”
Economic Seminar Schedule
Sidney – 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. Tuesday, March 14, – MSU Richland County Extension, 1499 North Central.
Miles City – noon to 2 p.m. Tuesday, March 14 – Sleep City Inn & Suites, 1006 South Haynes Ave.
The cost of the Economic Briefing is $30 and includes breakfast or lunch, depending on the city. To register, visit:
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