Clark Fork Coalition seeks volunteers for stream work
On Friday, April 15-16,volunteers of all ages will be working together to re-vegetate sections of Lolo Creek impacted by the 2013 Lolo Creek Complex Fire.
These volunteers, organized by the Clark Fork Coalition and Lolo Watershed Group, will be planting more than 1000 plants along 840 feet of streambank to reduce sedimentation occurring as a result of the blaze. Students from the Woodman School will assist with the restoration of their backyard creek on Friday afternoon.
The August 2013 fire burned nearly 11,000 acres in an area eight miles west of Lolo. Since that time, vegetation has struggled to make a comeback, resulting in increased sediment loads washing into Lolo Creek. By planting native riparian vegetation, volunteers will be restoring the healthy riparian buffer zone, which will help to stabilize the streambank, prevent erosion, and filter sediment from the creek.
“We are thrilled to work with our partners at Lolo Watershed Group to help the Lolo Creek watershed recover,” said Coalition executive director, Karen Knudsen. “With the creek already stressed by low flows, the work of these volunteers is even more important to ensuring clean and healthy water for one of the Bitterroot’s most important tributaries.”
“The Lolo Watershed Group appreciates our partnerships with CFC, private landowners, and the Lolo National Forest,” said Bobbie Bartlette, Board President of Lolo Watershed Group, “We would also like to recognize Montana DEQ for funding this project through a two year nonpoint pollution source grant award.”
To learn more about the project or to volunteer, contact Katie Racette, Clark Fork Coalition Volunteer Coordinator at or 542-0539 ext. 212.
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