Governor’s Conference on Aging in Billings
48th annual Governor’s Conference Sept. 13
The 48th Annual Governor’s Conference on Aging will be held in Billings at the Billings Hotel and Convention Center September 13-15, 2016.
Conference attendees will receive important information and education on issues impacting seniors, adults with disabilities, families and caregivers.
The event’s keynote speakers include: co-presenters Lance Robertson, Director, Aging Services, Oklahoma Department of Human Services and Dr. Whitney Bailey, Professor, Oklahoma State University will speak on “How Families Can Get Ahead Of Care Choices”.
Maryland’s Michael Smull, of the Learning Center for Person Centered Practices will address “How To Have Positive Control Over Your Life”. Advocate and author Julie Beckett, of Ohio, will present how “One Person Can Make A Difference- The Importance Of Advocacy”.
There will be over 20 sessions offered throughout the conference. Topics include healthy aging, guardianship issues, protecting elders from fraud and scams, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren program, workshops to motivate persons who struggle with limited mobility and activities, Alzheimer’s, dementia and other related disorders, Lifespan Respite and caregiving, peer supports, suicide prevention and mental health.
The conference includes several special events, including a Kickoff Mini Walk to End Alzheimer’s; the annual luncheon honoring our Montana Centenarians with Lt. Governor Mike Cooney; a special nordic walking clinic with Dr. Pam Roberts, Journey to Wellness; and an evening awards banquet to honor caregivers and direct support programs.
Online registration is available until September 2nd at
or contact Jackie Stoeckel at (406)444-6061 or for more information.
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