Make a batik kite at Yellowstone Art Museum

They actually fly!

The Yellowstone Art Museum will teach a Hand-Dyed Batik Kite-Building Class on Saturday, May 212016. The class will be taught by Terry Zee Lee and Drake Smith, both instructors in the art of kite design and construction for more than 15 years. 

One of the fun things about this class is that students use industrial-sized coffee filters and concentrated watercolor paint to construct batik-style patterns that translate into fabulous, well-flying kites.

Terry states that “The kite world offers numerous benefits in addition to visual delights: pleasant outdoor days in the company of eclectic friends from all over the world, hordes of laughing children who want to learn to fly, and continual artistic and logistical challenges when designing and making a new kite. I love the thrill of seeing a piece of art, engineered to fly, and framed by sky, soaring high above me. Kite-flying is a deeply satisfying avocation on multiple levels.”

 batik kite yellowstone art museum

Terry and Drake head a non-profit group called Through this organization, they have developed many of the principles that will be taught in this class.

This daylong session allows for creative education where students learn basic science, engineering, and math principles. But, most of all, it is great fun.



The class will take place at the museum on Saturday, May 21, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a break time provided. While this class is aimed at adults, students aged 15 and above are encouraged to attend. Cost is $67 per student ($60 for YAM members) plus an $8 supply fee, which will purchase kite skins, watercolor, bamboo, kite line, stickers, and glue. Participants must sign up by Saturday, May 14. For more information or to sign up contact the museum front desk at 406-256-6804 or visit us online at


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